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Response Message

We are here and we care about you. We are experiencing a global pandemic and overwhelming uncertainty. Naturally, we are nervous and need reassurance. At the moment, our government is failing to respond proactively and swiftly. But, we have each other.

Many of us are distraught from the cancellation of gainful opportunities and from the closure of workplaces; parents are suffering high anxiety from school closures and worried for their children; we are all worried about how we are going to make it through the next few weeks. OCEJ will be coordinating mutual aid & care efforts to meet the needs of our local communities and we will need your support.

OCEJ has decided the best course of action we can take is to respond to our communities’ needs & ensure the safety of our community members who are most impacted.

We will be practicing physical distancing to reduce the risk of exposure to coronavirus while building social solidarity to support mental health by organizing virtual events.

Our April Membership Meeting will be held as a Zoom video conference on April 20, 2020 - we will send details to our base. If you would like to join and it is your first meeting, please contact us & we will send you information.

We encourage you to be a part of shaping the story of this moment by turning feelings of panic or powerlessness into purpose. We believe it is vital to grasp what is happening around us and co-facilitate the emergence of a grassroots response together.

Lastly, we want to acknowledge how the current pandemic is showing us the organization of our society from a crisis perspective. We cannot deny that the status quo of our society leaves the majority of us unprotected, scared, and frustrated. Now is the time to come together as a community, adapt to the uncertainty of our collective situation, and create a network of support for all.

Please message us directly if you can offer support or if you or people you know need support.

Thank you and please take care.


Español / Spanish

Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese


How can OCEJ help YOU?

Please take ten minutes to fill out the OCEJ Needs Survey linked below if you need any kind of help or if you can offer any kind of help during the pandemic. 

It is translated into Spanish as well.








  • Text "OCCOVID19" to 888-777 for COVID-19 updates from the County of Orange. You can also visit 

An ongoing list of resources in Orange County including free food, assistance programs, workers' rights, and more resource guides: CV-19 RESOURCE GUIDE (ORANGE COUNTY, CA)

"COVID-19 IS AN EJ ISSUE" by Alexis S. 

Alexis Sutterman, one of our own OCEJ members, wrote a thought provoking piece on how deforestation by multinational corporations set the stage for animal-to-human transmitted diseases, like coronavirus, to emerge. 


“The coronavirus, …, is likely to re-emerge from various locations in the future—not just China—if companies continue to destroy wildlife for their own profits.” 



Bringing the fight for environmental justice to Orange County through advocacy, public accountability, healing, and systemic transformation

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© 2018 by Orange County Environmental Justice

Orange County Environmental Justice is a project of Tides Advocacy

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